LOCALACT Paid Search and Paid Social ad campaigns are delivering big returns for our partners at Wild Birds Unlimited. Store owner Jeanette McDaniel of Kettering, OH is increasing sales with her investment in digital marketing:
“We signed up for LOCALACT last year after the Enterprise Leadership Conference for the Google search function. Our spend was the minimum $200 and at the beginning of the year, I wasn’t sure it was money well spent. However, we hadn’t given the social media try yet and decided to add that element before giving up on it.

“I had the opportunity to speak with Liz Kutrone (fellow franchise owner) about her use of LOCALACT. Her monthly spend was a bit of a shocker, but she felt confident it was worth every penny. I made the decision in early March to up my spend for both [Search and Social] to over $700/mo beginning in April as we approached the gift giving season of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Little did I know our whole world and how we do business was about to change due to COVID19.
The impact of this increased spend resulted in 958 total results for Google searches translating into an added $15,000 in sales. It generated 520 store visits, 42 get directions and 396 calls. For online sales, it generated 423 “shop now” hits and 428 “add to cart” results.

“My Facebook page had plateaued at about 1500 followers in April, but as of July 1st it is now over 2400. That’s a 60% increase over 3 months. These ads have resulted in 222 “added to cart,” 63 completed registrations and 41 online store purchases over this time period.
“Our store saw a 28% increase in sales in May and a 53% increase in June and our new customer counts have shown increases we haven’t seen in years. For a new store, those numbers aren’t too impressive, but for a store that’s been around for over 30 years, those types of increases don’t come along often. We are convinced that LOCALACT ads along with the increased demand for at home activities have created the “perfect storm” for increased sales.”
Learn more about how LOCALACT can help you engage local customers online.